Unique Advantage
  • Precise insight into data specificity
  • Deep interpretation of drug druggability
  • A key challenge in new drug research and development is efficiently accelerating the process, reducing costs, and improving the likelihood of success for high-risk, capital-intensive therapeutic candidates. Streamlining drug discovery and minimizing failure rates for innovative medicines remain pressing goals within the pharmaceutical industry. Identifying avenues to condense development timelines, lower funding burdens, and increase the probability of regulatory approval for novel treatment options could provide significant benefits. Refining development and evaluation strategies for high-investment drugs to make them safer, faster, and more cost-effective is an important priority as we strive to bring meaningful new therapies to patients in need. 

  • At X-Cutag, we deploy an advanced deuterium substitution technology for molecular structure optimization. The technology involves replacing the H1 at specific sites in the drug molecule with H2 (D).

  • To achieve this goal, we have developed an AI-aided deuterium modification platform. This proprietary platform can precisely identify the energy hotspots in drug molecules to design a brand new innovative drug meeting clinic needs. The new platform or Deuteration 2.0 brings asignificant advantages over original "Me-better" approach of Deuteration.

  • The NCE’s (New Chemical Entities) designed by the platform have the following advantages:
    1. Extended half-life of the drug.
    2. Reduced or even blocked the formation of toxic intermediate metabolites.
    3. Increased oral bioavailability of the drug.
    4. Enhanced effectiveness of the drug.

  • Small molecule technology + large molecule technology
  • Small molecule technology +AI technology
  • Small molecule technology + large molecule technology +AI technology
  • Small-molecule technology + Cross-disciplinary technology + Cross-industry technology